Things to know before getting permanent hair extensions


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Long and beautiful hair is something that every woman desires and we all to a lot of effort into this. These days, with advanced methods and techniques, we are here to fulfill your desire. Yes, you can get permanent hair extensions. As, we all know we are not blessed with thicker, fuller, and full volume hair. We all face many problems with our hair growth due to many reasons. But, now you can jazz your way to long and stunning full-bodied locks with permanent hair extensions. It also gives your hair lots of volume and body to them. Hair extensions are a cool way to enhance your look but there are certain things you must know before getting permanent hair extensions. We are here to sort your doubts. So, keep reading to get better knowledge about everything for permanent hair extensions.

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  As it is well said, Before diving deep into the ocean, we must know how to swim. You must know that you have a wealth of options to try, but it is important is what to choose according to your need and requirements regarding hair extensions.

 There are various techniques used for hair extensions like  Clip-ins, fusion, tape-ins, weaves, micro-link, and pre-bonded. If you are someone who loves wearing different hairstyles and want a fashionable look, then weave hair extensions are what you need! Weave hair extensions fit for the hair to look curly, straight, long, or short. They’re pragmatic, stylish, and add thickness to your hair as well to give you a stylish look.

 So, it is better to understand the methods which are common these days. There are also differences in how they’re applied and after results. Some common hair extension applications are opting by most women. It includes micro-link hair extensions, weave hair extensions, tape hair extensions, and pre-bonded/fusion extensions.

Micro-link hair extensions: These are also known as micro-bead or loop hair extensions and these are applied by looping extensions. Hence, through natural hair and clamping it down with a pair of pliers and a metal bead, these are attached.

Weave hair extensions: “Weave” is a common term. It is used to mean hair extensions, but there are specific weave extensions. These are applied by braiding the natural hair into a cornrow. It is done by using a needle and cotton thread to attach the extra lengths.

Tape-in hair extensions: These are classified as semi-permanent extensions but need more aftercare for the hair. They’re pre-taped and sandwiched in between. They are taped on either side of natural hair.

Pre-bonded extensions: These are also referred to as fusion hair extensions and are attached by using such as keratin and glue. Sometimes they get stuck to the hair. Use a good conditioner or shampoo to take care of your pre-bonded hair.

Clip-in extensions: The clip-in extensions, if applied correctly can cause the least damage to hair. They are not attached to a braid and are clipped to hair and are easy to install.

Net weaving extensions: Net weaving is another weaving technique used these days.  It is a net sewn on the base of the cornrows. The weave weft extensions are then sewn to the net and this prevents additional stress on the hair.

Crochet extensions:  The Crochet extensions are usually are same technique as weft weaving, but the extensions are not sewn onto the braids and are applied using a latch hook needle.

In terms of the best method for attaching hair extensions, one should know all the methods.  There is no one type of bond that is better than the other rather the type of hair and method are going to determine.  Normal hair generally does best with tape-in extensions, whereas, the other options are better for coarse locks.

 Rather, it also depends on where you are going for permanent hair extensions. All these techniques should be done by a professional expert. We recommend Jawed Habib salon for the best results. Moreover, there are other things also taken into consideration after a permanent hair extension.

Everything you need to know before getting hair extensions.

 Ideally, consider one who specializes in hair extensions, like a professional one Jawed Habib. Your hairstylist will help you explore your extension options. Then, you can choose extensions conveniently, that will work well for you and accomplish what you’re looking for. You can ask questions to get comfortable with the hair extensions. The professional hairstylist also tells you about caring for them. With proper maintenance and care, you get longer or fuller, natural-looking hair extensions.


Take Good Care Of Natural Hair

hair extensions in lucknow

Hair weaves offer you versatility.  You can pick just about any style or color you like. But remember, to care for your tresses under a weave.  your natural hair always remains with you and Remember, weave hair will be gone one day. So, care properly to have your lovely natural hair for life long. So, give them the required nourishment and handle them with proper care. ensure your scalp is at its best and washed properly, even though your hair remains hidden under extensions,

It's recommended that you should cleanse your hair properly. For this, you have to use the best cleanser with a conditioner to further strengthen your hair. Often, concentrate the oil on your scalp and massage it gently and smoothly. You can use the balls of your fingertips for Hair oiling. It is an excellent treatment to combat flakes.

 You can Stick to jojoba or argan oil to make it alive. You can also nourish it with a kind of hydrator that works best for you. It is recommended to invest in an applicator bottle that has a nozzle tip, for weave hair extensions.

Tip: Avoid applying conditioner near attachments and hair roots as It may increase the chances of attachments getting slipped. Sometimes there is one another risk and the hair extensions falling out.


How to Prevent Damage

Hair extensions, or any object attached to hair, can cause a certain degree of damage.  But the damage can be minimized with proper maintenance and more care. Having a trained stylist is the best key to hair Maintenance. A professional saloon-like  Jawed  Habib, who is familiar with the different types of extensions and what is best for different hair types. If your extensions are not properly attached it may several problems.  You may face hair loss, red and/or irritated scalp, bald patches or matted extensions and tight extensions can cause headaches. So, always pay attention to the hair care technique that is disclosed by a hairstylist.

 There are also some cautions against getting a style that will be too heavy.  Yes, if any style is done for the area where the extensions are being added it may cause harm. This is especially important for finer hair and interlocking, crochet styles work best for thin hair. As they stay pretty close to the scalp and are “kind of one unit.”

 Tip: Don’t use any DIY unnecessarily to your weave hair. It can cause harm to your hair extensions. Be gentle to your hair always and Avoid tugging or aggressively brushing hair.


How to Remove Hair Extensions

  Now here comes how to remove extensions as the time comes, when you grow tired of your glossy extensions. In that case, it’s important to remove them properly and caution against attempting to remove them at home. The hair extension removal process is recommended to be performed by a professional hair salon to prevent natural hair loss. You could end up harming. So, go to your stylist to get them removed properly. In this way, it helps to save hair from extra damage.

Final words:  In the end, we can say that the concern about the heath of your natural hair is incredibly important. So don’t compromise with it at any cost, better to go for a professional saloon-like Jawed Habib Lucknow to get your hair extended or for the removal process. Seek the help of a professional to choose also. You should invest in high-quality extensions and expert installation. In the end, you can expect great results.