Why taking facial are so important in todays time.


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Hey Guys!!! Are you worried about your skin? What will happen to your skin with this level of pollution. Does it impact your rate of anti aging? How can we deal with this and maintain our youthful skin for longer period of time......

So the best and quick way to handle this is getting regular FACIAL. Now you all will be wondering how come a facial will help you achieving this goal of youthful skin for longer period of time. So in this post, I will be expalining what is facial, its importance and what is actual process.

Facials have been around for centuries, and they have stood the test of time as a popular skincare treatment. While facials were once considered a luxury reserved for the elite, they have become more accessible to the general public in recent years. Today, facials are no longer just a pampering session. They are an essential part of any skincare routine and can provide numerous benefits to the skin. In this blog post, we'll discuss why facials are important in today's time.

Are you ready to learn all about facials? Get ready to pamper your skin, because facials are the ultimate multi-step skincare treatment that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

So, what exactly are facials? Well, they're like a spa day for your face! A licensed skincare professional will analyze your skin and recommend a customized treatment based on your skin type and concerns. From cleansing to exfoliating and nourishing, facials have got you covered.

Why are facials so important, you ask? Let me tell you! First of all, they provide a deep cleanse that removes all the nasty pollutants, dirt, and oil that accumulate on your skin throughout the day. Say goodbye to clogged pores and hello to a clear complexion!

And speaking of complexion, facials also involve exfoliation to get rid of dead skin cells and reveal fresh, glowing skin. It's like a magic eraser for your face!

But that's not all - facials also provide your skin with the nourishment it needs to stay healthy and hydrated. Think masks and moisturizers that will leave your skin feeling soft and supple.

And let's not forget about the relaxation factor. Facials are the perfect way to unwind and de-stress. The gentle massage techniques used during a facial can help reduce tension in your face and promote relaxation throughout your entire body.

Last but not least, facials are also great for anti-aging. By promoting collagen production and improving skin elasticity, facials can help keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay, leaving your skin looking youthful and radiant.

So, there you have it - facials are a must-have in any skincare routine. Give your skin the love it deserves and book yourself a facial today!

Have you ever wonder what is exact process of facial.......

First things first, you'll have a consultation with a skincare pro to assess your skin type that you can get at reputed brand such as Jawed Habib Gomti Nagar, concerns, and allergies. No worries, they won't ask you to list all of your ex's names.

Next, they'll use a gentle cleanser to wash away all the yucky stuff like makeup, dirt, and oil. Think of it as a spa car wash for your face!

After that, get ready to say goodbye to dead skin cells and clogged pores because the skincare pro will use an exfoliating scrub or chemical exfoliant. Who knew exfoliation could be so satisfying?

Now, it's time to get steamy! A warm towel or steamer will be used to open up your pores and soften your skin. Don't worry, you won't be expected to belt out your favorite steamy ballad.

If needed, the skincare pro will perform extractions to get rid of any pesky blackheads or whiteheads. Sayonara, zits!

Next up, it's time for a nourishing and hydrating mask that will be left on for 10-15 minutes. It's like a mini-vacation for your face!

After that, the skincare pro will work their magic with gentle massage techniques to promote relaxation and boost circulation in your face and neck. Aah, bliss!

Finally, a serum and moisturizer will be applied to your skin to provide nourishment and protection. Like putting on a cozy sweater, but for your face.

Now, the hard part: avoiding direct sunlight and using sunscreen to protect your skin. Oh, and don't forget to follow any post-facial skincare instructions provided by the skincare pro. Time to strut your stuff with glowing, happy skin!

Facial options in Lucknow

If you're looking for the best facial in Lucknow, Jawed Habib Hair and Beauty Salon is a great place to start. With locations in Gomti Nagar and Indira Nagar, Jawed Habib offers a range of facial treatments to suit every skin type and concern.

The facial price in Lucknow can vary depending on the type of facial and the location. At Jawed Habib, facial prices start at Rs. 1200 and go up to Rs. 5000 for their premium facial treatments.

In Gomti Nagar, Jawed Habib offers a range of facial treatments including the Gold Facial, Diamond Facial, and Oxygen Facial. These facials use high-quality skincare products to provide deep cleansing, exfoliation, and nourishment to the skin.

At Jawed Habib Indira Nagar, you can choose from a range of facial treatments including the Anti-Aging Facial, Brightening Facial, and Hydrating Facial. These facials are designed to target specific skin concerns and provide visible results.


Facials are an essential part of any skincare routine and offer numerous benefits to the skin. They provide deep cleansing, exfoliation, nourishment, relaxation, and anti-aging benefits. If you're looking for the best facial in Lucknow, Jawed Habib Hair and Beauty Salon is a great place to start. With locations in Gomti Nagar and Indira Nagar, they offer a range of facial treatments to suit every skin type and concern. While the facial price in Lucknow can vary, the benefits of regular facials make them a worthwhile investment in your skin's health and appearance. So, take some time out of your busy schedule and indulge in a facial treatment today for glowing, healthy skin tomorrow!